
drawing design character

Steampunk samurai ogre  Idk what i want to say, it just my drawing design chara again, and i learn about girls anatomy, You know, recently I learned a lot on youtube, one of the chanels that really helped me develop my drawing  " mikeymegamega " (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

drawing design character

The girl rabbit in my own style, yes this is the drawing I made still with the cyber theme, for this one I introduced humans with cyborg rabbit ears and the school dress Japanese sailor's uniform 😎

drawing design character

Yes, this one I have created with the same theme as before, yes to this day I am still interested in cyber themes many ideas come to my mind about cyber 🔥🔥🔥

drawing design character

Yeah, on this one I take cyber themes, here I design girl half dragon, I don't know, I just thought of a girl with scales and horns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . .you could see some other design on my blog (☆▽☆)

pixel art

Okay so here for the first time I tried to use a software application to draw characters with pixel art <( ̄︶ ̄)>, I think I quite like drawing pixel art (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.), and there are many more drawing that you can visit on my blog.

drawing design character

Oooookay so in my Drawing in this time, I try thinking to design the character, and i have one idea i think about the robot humans and but complete with the maid clothes that add the feminim impression of his character(☆▽☆), This is a rather difficult process because trying to put ideas onto paper requires a lengthy and hard process ~(ー_ー゛)

drawing design character

Just as in the previous I experimented using the color on my drawing. You can also see other character design, by visiting my blog (・∀・)

drawing design character

Yes here i draw the design of the character again, but for this one i started to make the most additional background and experiment using the color, i guess this one is very satisfactory <( ̄︶ ̄)>

"walking moon"

Let's see the other drawing in my blog.

drawing design character

So this is my drawing design character about 2 years ago, ARRGGHGHH !!!!(┛✧Д✧)┛  I spend a lot of time to make this one.  you can also see the drawing of other character design on my blog

drawing design character

I try to make a man character here, you can see other character design on my blog (☆∆☆)

drawing design character

Here I try to draw a nekomata character, you can see other character design on my blog nyaaa~ (ㆁωㆁ)

drawing gesture body style

So in my drawing this one I draw anatomy body, from the head of the hand to the hip, and you can look for another anatomy design from my blog.

drawing design character

It's a character design I designed in my own style, don't forget to look for another design character.

drawing design character

Here I try to make the design character with my own style, though I think the results are less satisfactory 

drawing design character

Here I try to make the design character with my own style

drawing gesture hand style

Yes in my image of this one I tried to design an arm of character in my own style. (✯ᴗ✯)

drawing head style and gesture

I was redrawing @lucjan_pakulski (art on instagram) Okay, so the top image is a drawing i made by copying from one account that shows a lot of pictures of character design in his own style, I love his character design style. therefore I'm trying to make a copy of the image.  My inspiration:

drawing from software

This is my first post here I draw using digital drawing apps.